Friday, November 1, 2019

Week of November 4-8

Hello families,

Wow! November is here, I can't believe how quickly October went!
Snow was on the ground at my house and it was very cold this morning.
This weekend would be a good time to get out the boots, mittens, hats, etc. so your child will be ready when the snow starts to stick!

In reading this week, we have begun a non-fiction unit. We spent time reading In the Time of Knights and learning all about their weapons, armor, how to become a knight, the code of chivalry and much more. The book was very engaging! We will read all about tigers next week and learn how to anticipate what you will learn when reading non-fiction. We will use features such as captions and detailed photos to learn more. We will practice reading information like a reporter or an expert on the topic.

In writing, we have start a new unit on non-fiction. We began writing science lab reports and learned the parts of a lab report: a question, a hypothesis, procedures, results, conclusion. We conducted an experiment where we asked will a matchbox car go farther on carpet or a bare floor, we did multiple trials and recorded our results! We included a results and conclusion page to show our thinking about why the car goes farther on a bare floor versus the carpet. We discussed friction and how it works to slow the car down. Next we will change a part (variable) and re-do the experiment, writing a new lab report. We will work with  different materials and test our hypothesis! Students will try writing their own reports after conducting the experiment.

In phonics, we learned all about homophones this week. We wrote silly sentences such as: The knights said," Good night" or The bear was bare! Next week we will focus on the homophones for there, they're and their and work toward using them appropriately in our writing.

We are starting a Unit 3 in Math. A family letter will be coming home today.  Please read the letter to learn what we will be working on in this unit. The unit 2 math test will come home today. Many students did very well!

In science, we will conduct more experiments on air and weather. We will learn how air works under water. We will make a water fountain from tubes, bottles and syringes to show how air is matter, it occupies space even though we can't see it.
We will begin observing and recording the weather as it changes through the fall.

Thank you and have a great weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

1 comment:

  1. Thank Mrs. Scheck for all the detailed information about activities happening in classroom. I feel you all doing so much fun and along with kids are learning important things. This will be kids base before they grow bigger.
