Hello families!
This week has been so busy here at Wixom Elementary! With the arrival of snow, winter weather and our MSU/U of M coin challenge we have had an exciting week!
In phonics we worked on learning trouble maker words. The words that are often mispelled by second graders are: about, here, school, what, was, with, could, and very. These words cannot be "sounded out" because they don't follow phonetic rules, hence the word troublemakers!
Students worked with a partner to come up with a way for remembering each word. Then they made posters with reminders for how to remember. We graduated the words to our word wall today! We also put the words into our personal word books! Next week we will work on using word parts and patterns to spell new words. We will use nursery rhymes to zoom in on powerful word patterns. We will work specifically with the word patterns: ill, ock, oon, own and ot.
In writing this week, we used a writing check list to revise our lab reports. We added the science term: friction - when two things rub together. We revised with a partner to fix spelling, capitals and periods. Next week we will do another lab report on a different experiment.
In our non-fiction reading unit we are "growing our knowledge" by paying close attention to details. We focused this week on reading the details in directions for Legos, a poster about the clouds, an informational poster about sources of water and a globe. We also looked closely at a penny and noticed all kinds of new things - numbers, words, pictures, etc. Through observation we came up with questions about the penny to research and learn more about. We will continue to work on non-fiction and begin reading non-fiction books asking first, "what is this book trying to teach me?" We will read non-fiction books at each child's level and ask what surprised us reading about a new topic.
In math, we are working on unit 3. We have been practicing ways to subtract and using new strategies: counting up and counting back> We practiced solving for a missing addend in the game Salute! We used fact triangles to practice subtraction and addition facts. We played the number grid difference. Next week we will learn how to play "what's my rule" and about subtracting with 1 and z). We will learn how to use a doubles fact to subtract.
In Science, we are completing our last air experiment today with balloon rockets! Students will used compressed air inside of a balloon to launch a balloon rocket. This experiment is a lot of fun and it shows how air can be compressed and how it moves things. Next week we will move on to weather experiments. We will learn about the thermometer, how to use a rain gauge and about wind speed making an anemometer to show how scientist measure how fast the wind is blowing.
We will soon begin a new social studies unit on maps!
Thank you for sending in the appropriate snow clothes each day for your child, we have been adjusting to using our snow clothes and we are working on keeping track of them (boots, mittens, hats). If you are missing any items, the lost and found has many unclaimed things!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Scheck
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