Friday, April 26, 2019

Week of April 29 - May 3

Hello families,

We have had a busy and fun week in our classroom!

In science our Brassica plants have gotten taller and buds have formed. We are expecting to see flowers next week. We learned that the flowers on our plants have pollen on them. We will take our plants and cross pollinate them. The students made diagrams of a Brassica complete with; roots, stem, first leaves, true leaves, petals, piston, anthers and pollen. These are the parts of a plant that they are learning. We also mowed our lawns (cut the grass cups)! Most of our grass had grown as high as 15 cm. Now we will observe how quickly it will grow back after mowing.

During writing workshop students observed every day objects and wrote details about what they saw. They used their notes and rearranged the words to create poems, experimenting with line breaks. We generated adjectives to describe our moms and wrote a little poem to publish next week! We will continue to work on putting powerful thoughts into tiny packages - using a small moment that gives us a big feeling to write about! We will add concrete details to our poems drawing on a big feeling. We will work on editing our poems.

In reading, most groups have begun their second book club book! Groups will select a new book to start. We have been noticing things that are the same across a series. We will look into our books for evidence to back up or theories about a character. Students will generate ideas about a character using this sentence starter, "Why did he/she---?" to understand a characters actions.

In math, we have ended Unit 7 and will have a unit test on Tuesday. Monday, we will do a review scoot and go over the study guide in class. Unit 8 is all about Geometry! A family letter will come home soon!

In social studies, be prepared for a project to come home on Wednesday, May 1st. Students will need pictures of themselves from ages 0-present day. We will discuss time lines in class and each student will create a personal timeline at home as part of our Social Studies unit. Personal time lines will be shared in class and displayed in our hall. We will be learning the time line of the history of Walled Lake and creating a time line in class with a small group.

Our field trip is coming up! Please send in permission slips and $11.00 fee. We are going to be discussing schools in the past and compare to school in the present to help us prepare.

On Monday second graders will visit the small garden in the courtyard and plant some wild flower seeds. We will also put the rocks we had painted in the fall in the garden as decorations. Please dress in clothes that you and your child will not mind getting a little dirty!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

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