Thursday, April 18, 2019

Week of April 22-26

Hello families,

This week our class ended our opinion writing unit. We also had a great first week with book clubs! We are in the middle of unit 7 in math and we have planted Brassica plants and grass to observe for in science! It has been a busy week!

On Thursday, April 18th, we wrapped up our opinion writing with a celebration! Students chose one book they loved the most to write about. We began with a rough draft and used our rough drafts to compose a final copy. We then made posters to advertise the book to a fellow second grader. Lastly we colored trophies to give to our books for being so awesome! We shared books, the posters we made, a paper and a trophy on our desks. Classes visited each other and walked around sampling the books. I heard many positive comments from readers! Mrs. Russel came and visited too to see what we have been working on the last several weeks.

Our new unit of writing will be Poetry. We will begin next week by using poet's eyes to see the world differently. We will listen to poems and try looking at objects with our poets eyes. We will experiment writing our poems with different line breaks. We will learn write poems that create a picture in our heads. We will listen for the music inside of poems.

In phonics we will continue to use to practice word study. This week we worked with  R controlled vowels that appear in words with -ar, -are, -air. Next week we will work again on R controlled vowels with a new pattern: er, ear, eer. The class has been doing their sort on the computer, saving us paper!

We are continuing our work with book clubs. Many groups have already read a whole chapter book and completed their first book club. We wrote a retelling of a whole chapter, we noticed traits about the main character and wrote them down to share. Next week several groups will be selecting new books. In class students wrote reviews about their book club book to share with another reader. The students are enjoying the new format for reading workshop. Please remind your child to bring his or her book to school every day. Even if they do not complete the reading or the writing, he or she can work in class during reading workshop to read from their book. They will fall further behind their group if their book is not here.

In math, we have been measuring with the yardstick and meter stick. We practiced estimating the size of items in our room, then doing actual measurements. Next week we will learn about arm span, collect data for standing jumps and make a frequency table. We will be ending unit 7 at the end of next week. Look for an email letting you know that the unit 7 study guide will come home! We will try doing another kahoot to review in class as they children loved the one we did for social studies!

Science is in full swing in our classroom! The Brassica plants are doing great. We have observed and measured their growth. We have discussed and read about parts of a plant: roots, stem, leaves, true leaves and bud. We will continue to observe next week. We planted grass today! We will observe it growing and soon we will be cutting it as it gets longer.

We are getting prepared for a field trip to Mill Race Village on May 22nd. Permission slips went home earlier this week. In social studies, we will begin learning the history of Walled Lake and learn about the amusement park that was once in town.. We will learn about schools in the past and present and compare them using a Venn Diagram.  We will make personal time lines as an at home project - an email will come home before I send it.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

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