Friday, March 1, 2019

Week of March 4-8

Dear families,
What a busy week we had in Room 105!

In reading this week we will continue with our new unit in reading. We will work on making our reading sound phrased and fluent. We will practice in our reader's theater groups until our reading sounds smooth. We will perform our reader's theaters for each other in class.
Then we will prepare to go into a kindergarten or first grade classroom to perform!
The students are enjoying reading their "plays" together and have really worked on making their voices sound like the characters! If your child brings home a reader's theater book, please return it on the following school day! Often times we are sharing the books with a partner (some of the groups have 10 students) because each reader's theater book has 6 copies of the book.

In writing, we have worked hard on selecting a book to share an opinion on with a friend. In our letter writing this week, we will learn how to write with an audience in mind. We will use an opinion writing checklist to make sure we include the main parts of an opinion letter. We will tell about more than one part of the book in our letters. We will begin to send letters only after using the checklist, using envelopes to give them to a friend or classmate!

In phonics this week we will review short u and learn two ways long u can look: ue and ew.
We will practice writing the words in class and do a short and long u sort.

In math, we are beginning Unit 6.  A few students will need to complete the Unit 5 test, shortly after I will send home the tests. A Unit 6 family letter is coming home today, March 1st. Please keep the letter handy as it contains answers to the homelinks for this unit.
In this unit students will continue learning how to solve number stories and how to use a new diagram called a comparison diagram. We will also work on partial sums addition, which is a formal addition strategy.

Social Studies - we will continue to work on learning the history of Walled Lake. We will read the Keeping Quilt by Patricia Polloco. We will discuss events of the past and what is history.

Continue to have your child work on i-ready lessons at home 2-3 times per week for 15 minutes.

The March is Reading Month Challenge came home today! Mrs. Russel is challenging 2nd grade to read 30 minutes a night!! See the pink note that came home on Friday for more details!

Thank you and have a great weekend,
Mrs. Scheck

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