Dear families,
This has been a busy and fun week in Second Grade!
We read the book Enemy Pie this week. We discussed connections to the story from our own lives. Readers make connections when they read. Sometimes the connection is to yourself, to another story or to the world. We were able to connect this book to a book from last week Pink Tiara Cookies for Three. Both stories are about friendship and kindness. We learned the vocabulary word gullible. We put the new vocabulary word in our notebooks.
For Phonics this week we reviewed the "r blends" br, gr, tr and fr. I am still assessing the high frequency words and we will be adding them to our word wall soon!
In writing we have begun our small moments writing unit. We worked on generating ideas for stories and wrote a list of topics. We will work on stretching out a small moment and adding details today.
In math we have worked on number patterns, number grid puzzles and coins. Coin counting practice is a great way to solidify counting with ones, fives and tens. Give your child a handful of change and let him or her find the total... they can add it to their bank or spend it on a treat for fun!
We reviewed the concept of equivalent numbers. We practiced making equivalent numbers in our math journal.
If you have not tried out the Everyday Math website and played games, try to log in this weekend and let your student practice math skills through games.
We have begun our Social Studies unit on Communities. We discussed "what is a community" and listed the four different ways we use communities: work, play, school and living.
Next week is Picture day on Tuesday, September 26th! A flyer went home explaining the process for ordering pictures.
I am sending home a book order tonight. The book order is a great way to buy books from school and help our class earn FREE BOOKS! Parents can order books online or send in a check or money order payable to Scholastic Books. I will need the book orders by Friday, September 29th.
There is also a half day on Wednesday, September 27th, school is dismissed at 12:09 p.m. Please let me know in writing of your child's plan for that day.
We are having a great time here in Room 105!
Have a good weekend,
Mrs. Scheck
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