Friday, September 8, 2017

First week of Second Grade

Dear families,

We are off to a great start in Second Grade!

This week we have been getting to know each. Here are few fun things we have been working on this week...

We read the book You're Finally Here! and we each made a funny book and wrote about the fun things we did before school started.  We made the bunny character from the story and will display them for curriculum night!

We also talked about what skills we want to build upon this year that we began from last year. We talked about interests outside of school too! Students made themselves into a Lego person and wrote about the skill they want to build. We hung them outside our door.

We have been reading about kindness all week. We read two books by Maria Desmondy: Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun and Pink Tiara Cookies for Three. We discussed the theme in each book- being kind and having empathy for others. We learned empathy is when you can put yourself in someone else's shoes or imagine how they would feel. We will return to these books all year to talk about how to treat others.

We began math yesterday and learned the number of the day routine. We used white board to practice different ways to make the number (spell, tally marks, use coins, an addition problem, a subtraction problem). Today we will take a beginning of the year assessment to see what skills students need to firm up from last year. This assessment will stay in the classroom. Next week we will begin using math journals and start regular math lessons.

We will have a short spelling assessment which reviews the "popcorn words" from last year. We will talk more about spelling next week at Curriculum Night, which is Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30-7:15! I hope you will be able to join me that night to hear all about Second Grade!

I am truly enjoying getting to know each and every child in my class this year. I told the students they are "My Kids" when we are here and everyone seems to be adjusting very well to the new school year!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

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