Thursday, November 10, 2016

Week of November 7-11

Hello wonderful families!

Thank you to all the parents who came on Tuesday to Parent Teacher Conferences. It was great to meet with you and share all of the things we are learning and doing in First grade!

We read the book A Frog Thing this week. We focused on how to retell a story and include the beginning, middle and ending. We practiced writing a retelling with pictures and words. Students also learned two new vocabulary words from the book: modest and determined. We discussed how Frankie the frog was persistent in his goal of learning to fly!

In writing, we have been working on adding details in our stories to help readers visualize what happened in our small moments. We read the book A House For Hermit Crab by Eric Carle. We talked about the details Hermit Crab had on his shell. We have been using a writing check list to be sure to put capitals and periods in the right places and to check for ourselves if we spelled the popcorn words correctly.

In math this week we are working on Unit 3. We have been writing and solving number stories for subtraction. We will develop strategies to help solve stories such as drawing a picture and using a number model to solve.

In social studies, we have begun a new unit on Families. We will read the story The Family Book by Todd Parr. we will see some examples of how to do our family tree project. We will also make our personal time lines this week. If you child has not sent in three pictures for their time line, please send them in by tomorrow.

Our field trip to the Ann Arbor Hands-on Museum is coming up soon. Permission slips and money are due by Monday, November 14th.

Next week is diversity week! We will go to an assembly on Monday. Please contact me if you would like to share some of your family's culture with the class. You may come in and read a book or share an artifact the students would love it!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please email or call me!
Mrs. Scheck

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