Dear families,
This week in first grade we went on a field trip to the Ann Arbor Hands-on Museum. The students were able to interact with all the displays. There were several activities that involved liquids that the students told me were their favorites. In the water room, students were able to build with plastic pipes and divert water in different directions. On the second floor, students could put a bubble around themselves. They learned through trial and error to pull the rope up slowly and to be still inside the bubble so it would not pop! If you are interested in visiting the museum with your child it is a fun experience. There is so much to see and do!
We have begun our Science Unit called "Solids and Liquids." We began today discovering the different properties of solids. We learned two new vocabulary terms: rigid and flexible. We have noticed solids are made from these materials: plastic, wood, metal and rubber. We will work on identifying and grouping solids based on their different properties next week.
In writing, we have been working on Writing for Readers. Students are very aware now of what readable writing looks like. We focused yesterday on zooming in on one small moment and staying on topic.
In math we are toward the end of unit 3. Today I introduced "Frames and Arrows." Students learned how to look for a pattern and follow a rule for a frame and arrow. A home link is going home today for extra practice.
In Social studies, our family trees are due on Monday, November 28th. Please let me know if you need more time or further assistance in making a tree. Also note a family tree is more than a picture of your family. It needs labels for each person and/or a picture of each individual member and a shape to put the tree on, it could be an apple tree or holiday tree, etc.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Scheck
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