Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Week of May 29-June 3

Dear parents, 
Today we released our butterflies, we were able to hold them before we let them go. We held them and noticed all the colors they had, their legs, antennae and proboscis.
This week in writing we read the boom Duck for President. In the story Duck runs for president. Then we had a tug of war and we had to decide if Duck should or should not be president. Last we wrote out our reasons for or against duck!
In math we have introduce two-digit addition. We will have a homelink on Thursday night.
In reading, we will read the book The Pigeon Needs a Bath. We will explore the way Mo Willems wrote this story and try some of this writing techniques.
Field day is Friday! We will be outside most of the day. Please wear sunscreen and bring a water bottle!
Also wear your field day shirt!
Tuesday, June 7 is Insect day! Thursday, June 9 is our field trip to the library.
Have a great week! 
Mrs. Scheck

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