Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 16-20

Dear parents, 

This week in First Grade we are anxiously waiting for our caterpillars to go into the pupa stage of their lifecycle. We have learned that our caterpillars spend about two weeks in the larva stage before becoming pupae or going into chrysalises. We also have had our milkweed eggs hatch, these insects will go through several nymph stages before becoming adults. We have observed our first Mealworm turn from a pupa into an adult darkling beetle! Whew! It's been very exciting! 

In math we are nearing the end of unit 8. We worked on data collection and bar graphs, we wrote questions that we could answer with our graph. We have a few more lessons before we will be ready for the unit test early next week.

In writing, we have begun a new unit on Opinion Writing, we have started by reading Duck! Rabbit! The students had to choose whether the animal in the book was a duck or a rabbit. They had to give specific reasons to back up their claim. Today we will learn how good option writing is written. I will introduce a rubric to help them with writing opinion pieces.

In reading, I am continuing my end of year assessments during daily five, please read at home each day with your child to keep their skills sharp! 

Field trip note went home yesterday, we can have a lot of chaperones this time, let me know if you're interested in joining us!

Have a great week,
Mrs. Scheck 

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