Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week of October 5-9

Dear parents,

This week in First Grade...

In reading we have learned all five components of the Daily 5: read to self, read to someone, word work, work on writing and listen to reading.

The class has been working on using a task board to know which part of the Daily Five they are doing. Today we learned the final component, Listening to reading.

Next we will begin Reading Groups. Soon students will be bringing home a reading bag. Each book needs to be read at home and returned the next day to school. Students will read the book twice in their reading group before bringing home a book.

We read the book Owen by Kevin Henkes. We talked about the story and what connections we could make to the book. We will focus on these new vocabulary words this week from the story: essential, vinegar and handkerchief.

In writing, we have chosen a piece of writing to "fancy up" for publishing. We are getting close to wrapping up our visit writing unit. We have learned this week that there are different purposes for writing. We can write to tell stories, write letters to send a message or we can make lists!

In math, we are reaching the end of Unit 1. A homelink will come home Thursday night. We will begin a two day written assessment tomorrow. The assessment will be kept at school.

Friday is the Walkathon! You are welcome to come and walk with us at 2:30 p.m.

Have a great night,
Mrs. Scheck

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