Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Week of October 12-16

Dear Parents,

This week in First Grade we have been busy learning and working!

We learned a little about Columbus on Monday. We learned over 600 years ago he sailed for two months and bumped into the Americas! We read a book together and colored the book to read in school.

In reading we read the book Matthew and Tilly. We read this story to discuss how reader's make text to self connections when they read. We will read it again tomorrow and write about our connections to the book. We have new popcorn words: go, get, got, be, but, can and cat. We played a game today to practice segmenting the beginning and ends of words like this plate "pl - ate."
This helps students hear word parts when they write and read.

In math, we have begun a unit 2. We learned a new rule called the "turn around rule" for adding. We learned the rule means you can add 2 + 1 = 3 and turn the numbers around so that  1+2 also will equal 3. We also worked with all the ways to make 10. A home link will come home today to work on addition. It is due Thursday. Today I introduced 10 frames. We will be using ten frames for counting, adding and subtracting. Students were familiar with them from Kindergarten. We will play 10 frame top it tomorrow.

In Social Studies we are wrapping up Rules and have been discussing the concept of Fairness. Tomorrow we will finish reading Happy Birthday Martin Luther King! We will discuss how unfair laws can be changed and how Dr. King was able to change laws when he was a leader during the civil rights movement.

In writing, we have begun a new unit call Small Moments. This unit focuses on taking one small moment and zooming in on it. We will work on Small Moments for the next several weeks. Our class loves to write! I am seeing great work from all the children.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Scheck

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