Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week of May 4-8

This week in first grade we are reading and learning about life cycles, we have noticed that the mealworms go through four stages of a life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, adult.  Some insects go through "nymph" stages instead of a life cycle.  Two more insects are coming, one will arrive this week. We will be observing caterpillars and milkweed bugs next!

Beginning tomorrow I will be stopping reading groups to begin our final reading assessment! This means books will not be coming home for a few weeks. 

The popcorn words are: ink, think, sink, thank, sank, bank.
In math we have begun Unit 9. The unit 8 test went home last night, please look over the test and review any problems your child missed. Unit 9 focuses on place value and more on fractions. The family letter went home yesterday. 

In writing we have begun writing non-fiction books called "All Abouts,"  we started yesterday by writing a list of topics that we know a lot about. Today we began organizing chapters within our topic. We will be working on adding a diagram to our "All About"s later this week.

In reading, we have been reading non-fiction books. The students love learning facts. We looked for books in the library today to read for our insect reports. They loved looking up information and a few students will bring their books home tonight! We read Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive. We learned many facts about bees such as; why they sting, the jobs they do for the hive, how they carry pollen and much more. We will know a lot about bees for our upcoming field trip on May 15th!

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