Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 18-21

Dear parents,

We had a a lot of fun on Friday at the honeybee farm. Maybury farm is a cute place! It is also very close and open to the public.  We learned about bees and saw farm animals. We saw miniature donkeys, baby goats, horses, sheep, and pigs. The students loved the trip!

In science this week, we are observing our painted lady caterpillars as they go into their chrysalises. We have three in the pupa stage, two are still larvae. We made habitats for milkweed bugs. They are in the egg stage right now. We will see them hatch and go through four nymph stages until becoming adult insects.  We are reading a book about Painted Lady Butterflies so we will know how to care for them. We will also read the big book Busy as a Bee.  This books reviews all the things we have learned. June 2nd is insect day! We will send an invitation to come and see the insects we made in art and to hear about our insects.  Reports on insects are due this Thursday, May 21. 

In math we are wrapping up unit 9 this week. We will have a test on Thursday over unit 9. We have been working on strategies for two digit addition and on fractions. We compared fractions yesterday and will explore equivalent names for fractions today.  
Next week we will begin the final unit in math, it is a review of the entire year. The first week in June we will have our quarterly math test.

In writing, we are finishing our non fiction unit this week! We have been working on adding a how to page to our all about books, we will begin revising and editing this week.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Scheck

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