Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week of September 29- October 3

Dear parents, 
This week in first grade we are working with our apples during math. So far we have counted the red and green apples we brought in with tally marks, made a bar graph, and measured the girth of our apples. Most students were able to weigh their apples using a pan balance. Tomorrow we will finish weighing them and then cut them open and count the seeds inside.
We began taking a math assessment for unit one today in small groups.  We will finish the assessment tomorrow. 
A letter for unit 2 will come home later this week.

In reading, we have read the book When I Was Little by Jamie Lee Curtis.  We worked on making text to self connections with the book, we also wrote our connections in our readers notebook. 
We began reading groups. I have five groups to meet with each week. Some days I will see three groups, some days I'll be able to work with all five.  Books come home after a story has been read twice.  Books will begin going home tomorrow.

The popcorn words this week are: in, it, is, if, me and mom. We worked on using one of those words to read and write a new word- like using in to write pin.

In writing this week, we are writing stories and stretching words. We will practice writing longer words "the best we can" and just keep going. Some students will ask me to spell for them, I tell them to stretch it out and write the sounds they hear. I will also be giving students an alphabet chart to keep in their writing folder, this tool will help them when they stretch words.

Tomorrow I'm sending home a permission slip for the outdoor center field trip.  I would like to have 5 chaperones to go on the field trip with us.  Please send the permission slip and money in by October 15th. The cost is $11.00 for students and $11.00 for chaperones.

Enjoy the photos below of students working on writing!

Thank you!
Mrs. Scheck

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