We are off to a great start in room 109 at Wixom Elementary!
This week in first grade we are continuing to learn all the routines and structures that we need to have in place in order to begin Reading Workshop, Writers Workshop and Math.
We have been working on having a routine for the morning that will help us begin our day. Students are learning to use breathing techniques to help themselves be calm everyday and ready to start learning! We have practiced the pretzel, the drain and today we learned how to do the "chef." Ask you child to show you how they do these to get calm!
In reading workshop, students are learning the components of The Daily Five.
We have practiced the first two components, read to self and read to someone. The first step to these we're building our Book Boxes. The student selected "Just right books" for their book boxes.
The students helped me write out the expectations for these two components. Then we began trying to build stamina, reading a few minutes longer each day. We will eventually be reading for 20 minutes!
Below are a few pictures of students doing read to self and read to someone!
In writing we have launched Writing Workshop! We have talked about how writers write what they know. We have also been stretching words to hear the sounds and then writing what we hear.
In math we have learned two new math games! We played Top It and Bunny Hop. Today students got math tooI kits and explored with a pattern template. We went over some of the rules for using math tools and practiced using a tape measure. Math home work will begin after curriculum night, which is Monday September, 15 at 7:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. I hope to see you there!
Please begin reading at home at night to your child and having your child read to you!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Scheck
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