Monday, January 27, 2020

week of January 27-31

Hello families,

Wow, we are at the last week of January!

Second graders this week are working on learning more about how to read longer words. Last week we practiced breaking words at the consonant to solve them. We also learned to break off endings (s, es, ing, ed, er). This week we will continue to learn strategies for reading longer words. We will discuss keeping digraphs together (ch, sh, th, ph, gh). We will learn a song about keeping gh together!

In reading we are continuing to notice ways that authors play with words. Last week we read the book When Sophie Gets Angry. In the story the author compares Sophie to a volcano. We looked for and noticed comparisons and talked about how to know what is being compared.  This week we will discuss these ways authors play with words using: comparison, alliteration, time-passing words, and repetition.

In writing, students are having so much fun writing letters to friends, teachers and other classes about their favorite books! We have been receiving letters from other second grade friends too. This week we will use a check list to set goals for ourselves as writers.  I will introduce paragraphing, modeling how to skip a line and indent the first line of a new paragraph. When we write about a book we want to recommend we refer to the book for these reasons: to spell the title and author, to remember the story, to retell a favorite part, to uncover new details and to develop new ideas and opinions.

In math we will work this week on change to more number stories. We will use a diagram to help us organize word problems. We will use a part, part, total diagram to solve both addition and subtraction problems.  We will be at the end of unit 5 this week.  I will send a study guide home on Thursday, it is due on Monday, February 3rd. Test will be Tuesday, February 4th.

In Social Studies we are wrapping up our mapping unit making our pirate maps.  We hope to have them completely finished this week!

Reminder - Wednesday, January 29th is a half day. Please share any changes in your child's normal dismissal routine.

Have a wonderful last week of January!
Mrs. Scheck

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