Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Week of May 28-31

Hello families!

What a fun week we had last week with a field trip and field day! I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day Weekend as well!

Mrs. Banks has is closing out the library on May 30th to begin inventory and clean up. Any library books that are missing or over due - either return or discuss the replacement costs with Mrs. Banks.

This week in our classroom we will begin some reading assessments. DRA assessments will be given one on one. The results are to be shared with your child's new third grade teacher for the next school year.  Students will continue to have reading workshop, during which time assessments will be given.

In writing, we are wrapping up our Poetry unit and preparing for our celebration! Invitations will come home to invite parents for June 3rd at 2:30 p.m. We will share one poem to be read to the class and then parents will read student's poems and take a walking tour of our second grader's poetry which will be displayed throughout the school. Parents and students will enjoy popcorn. Students are  allowed to walk with a parent only. Please RSVP so we can plan for the celebration.

In math we are beginning our final unit, Unit 9. A family letter and your child's unit 8 test will go home today. Unit 9 is a review of everything taught this year.

In science, we continue to see our bulbs, potatoes, wheat seeds and vines grow. We will review for a science test on plant life cycles today. The test will be on Thursday. Your child's review will come home for you to help him or her prepare.

In social studies, we will wrap up our history of Walled Lake unit next week and learn more about the debate over having an amusement park in the city.

Word study this week will be on words that have r controlled vowels containing u. 

Next week:
Monday, June 3, Popcorn and Poetry
Friday, June 7, Circus day (volunteers still needed, ask Mrs. Russel if you'd like to help!)
Wednesday, June 12 - Pizza party - no need to send a lunch (details to follow)
Thursday, June 13, Half-day and last day!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Scheck

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