Friday, January 11, 2019

January 14

Hello families!

We will be going to the Walled Lake Outdoor Center on February 4th. We will be learning more about air and weather and how animals survive in the cold weather. We will take a bus to the outdoor center. Chaperones are welcome, we will be limited to five parent chaperones. The cost will be $12.00 per child and $7.00 per chaperone. Please see the note coming home tonight for more details!

In reading, we will continue with non-fiction reading. We will learn how to be an expert on non-fiction.  We will learn ways to say more about a book when we read (these are called "talking moves"). For example students may say "Another example is..." or" this is the same as --- because" to help them build our language skills for talking about books! We will compare books to spot differences that are big and small when we read about a topic. Soon we will get ready to celebrate our learning about non-fiction! We will also have the i-ready reading assessment on Tuesday this coming week.

In writing, we are writing non-fiction teaching books. This week we will brain storm good topics for writing a non-fiction book about an activity or sport. We will plan a table contents, using examples from other books of what we need to include. Then we will begin writing our chapters.

In phonics this week, we have new word study notebooks! We will be focusing on short e and long e using a double vowel -ee and -ea pattern.

In math, we will wrap up Unit 4 early next week. Monday students will bring home a study guide for Unit 4. The test will be on Wednesday. The class will be taking the i-ready math test next week as well! We will begin Unit 5 the following week.

In social studies this week we will wrap up our unit on maps. I will read a book called The Wartville Wizard. We will discuss how pollution effects our environment and do some activities with the book in class.

Please remember to send your child to school with snow clothes and especially mittens or gloves. We will be outside on cold days. Pack an extra pair of mittens if possible!

Thank you!
Mrs. Scheck

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