Monday, November 5, 2018

Week of Nov. 5-9

Dear families,

This week we will be moving on to many of new units for each subject this week!

In reading, we have wrapped up our first unit on Reader's Grow like Beanstalks!
We have started a non-fiction reading unit. Today we began reading Knights in Shining Armor by Gail Gibbons.  We read the first part of the book, pausing to talk about what we learned. We learned many new things about knights such as: the weapons knights used, how to become a knight and how knights used armor to protect themselves. Wednesday we will continue to read and add on to the information we have learned so far.

In writing, we have begun writing Science Lab Reports. This works well with our new science unit that also began today! We did an experiment on how air moves things. We used straws to move objects such as: a cotton ball, styrofoam ball, feather, paper and a plastic bag. We learned that air is matter, it is all around you, and it is an invisible gas! Before the experiment we wrote a hypothesis, then we wrote out the materials we needed, the steps to our experiment and pictures labeling the items we used. On Wednesday we will write a conclusion to our first experiment.

We took an i-ready growth monitoring assessment in class today for reading. Parents are welcome to have their child log into their i-ready account at home. You can download a free app for i-ready on your tablet. If you use a laptop or desktop compute, use the website, You will find a login screen. Use your child's login information from his or her assignment notebook. You can have your child work on reading or math. The lesson are used to help your child build skills. Please do not help your child. If a test becomes too difficult, i-ready will adapt to the child. If you're "helping" it appears that the child knows more than he or she does. I recommend not more than 20 minutes a few times a week. I-ready is another way to practice reading and math. Continue to have your child read at home each day for 20 minutes.

We are at the end of unit 2 in math. We wrapped up today with a game called Name That Number. A study guide came home tonight. The study guide is due on Wednesday. The test will also be on Wednesday, November 7th.
We will begin Unit 3 after the test. Look for a family letter detailing Unit 3 later this week!

There is no school tomorrow, November 6th.

Have a good night!
Mrs. Scheck

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