Wow! What a week we had in room 105! Of course the biggest highlight was the Funky Fall Fund Walk! Students raised a lot of money and got to walk on the walking path. We had so much fun getting sprayed with the colors!
Reading groups began last week. Students have begun bringing home books in zip-loc bags for at home reading. If your child brings home a book, have him or her read the book to an adult at home and then return it the next day. Reading groups this week were mostly about learning how to come to the table, warm up with a letter chart, blends chart or vowel team chart. Then we worked on various strategies for reading appropriate for different reading levels.
In writing this week we are working on learning craft moves from real authors. We will learn how to add sound words, set the mood for a story, choose strong words, and stretch out a small moment to build some excitement into the story.
In spelling we worked last week learning the four ways to make long e sounds in words. We learned ee, ea, ey and y all make the long e sound. This week we will be learning more long vowel teams. Words are practiced in class each day. I work with students all week on the pattern and then do a "check" on those words on Friday. We are not testing the words for a grade. But we do check to see that the pattern that was taught gets learned. If students show that we are not ready to move on to a new vowel, we will continue to work on long e. Here are a sample of the long e words we practiced in class this week: cheese, sheep, seal, leaf, tree, jeep, queen, sleep, key, mommy, daddy, key, monkey. This week we will work on ai and ay, and using silent e. Here are this weeks words: brain, drain, grain, mail, play, clay, stay, tray, shade, brave, wade, shape.
We are ready for our first math assessment on Unit 1. Math study guides are due on Monday. We will go over the study guide in class and make corrections on Monday. Please go over any parts of the study guide that were tricky for your child. Tuesday, October 9th we will have our first assessment.
Wednesday we will begin Unit 2 in math. We will be focusing on the following: grouping by 10s, addition number stories, doubles facts, making 10, turn around rule, even numbers and equal addends, name collection boxes and frames and arrows. A family letter detailing Unit 2 will be sent home next week!
In Social Studies, we worked on identifying different groups that we belong to. We will work this week on constructing a map of our local community including symbols, labels, legends and the human and natural characteristics of the area around us.
Coming up ...
Oct. 9 - Buster Bus comes to visit and teach bus safety
Oct. 15 - walking field trip to the dairy queen, library and police station
Oct. 31 - Halloween Party and half day of school
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