Monday, April 30, 2018

Week of April 30-May 4

Hello families!

Here are some thing we will be doing this week in Second grade...

We are reading the another story in our Otis series! Today we read the book Otis and the Scarecrow. In this story Otis shows compassion and caring for the scarecrow left alone in the rain. We are building on our knowledge of Otis character. We will learn two new vocabulary words and work on making text to text connections with the book later this week.

Today we worked on writing poems with repeating phrases, words and images. We listened to poems where authors used sound words, rhyming and repeating phrases. We continue to use our poet's eyes and write down ideas that give us a big feeling. We will learn some new techniques to try out as well.

In math, we are continuing to work with polygons and 2-D shapes. Today students made 5 sided and 6 sided shapes with straws and twist ties. I will introduce the attributes of quadrilateral shapes. We compared the shapes we made. We will continue to work with 2-D shapes tomorrow and we will begin learning attributes of 3-D shapes later this week!

In social studies, we will continue learning the history of Walled Lake. We will learn about the amusement park that was once in Walled lake. We will discuss the pros and cons and then pick sides on the issue: Should we have an amusement park in Walled Lake?

In Science we have observed our Brassica plants as they are growing. We noticed the new leaves that appeared over the weekend. We will see this plant flower and go to seed quickly. We planted potatoes and will watch them grow stems. Tomorrow we are planting grass which we will observe over the next several weeks!

We have about two weeks until our field trip on Wednesday, May 16th. If you have not yet sent in your child's permission slip and fees, please send it in soon! The cost is $11.00.

Thanks and have a great week!
Mrs. Scheck

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