Dear families,
We have had a fun and busy week in Room 105!
Our Valentine's day party was so much fun! We played bingo and make fruit kabobs. The students passed out cards and opened. It was a great day! Thank you for donating food and helping to make the party a success!
This week we read the book Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig by Katie DiCamillo.
We have been reading the Mercy Watson series to help us think about characters, setting, how to retell and pictures. We have also read this book to work on making our reading sound fluent. We practiced changing voices to sound like the characters in the book. We practiced pacing. We used the book to help us visualize in our heads what was happening the story. If you have time to visit the Wixom Public Library, your child may want to check out this book series and read more over the break.
In writing, we have begun a new unit on opinion writing. We have started by writing letters to other readers talking about books we love. We wrote a letter to Mrs. Yaldoo's class and suggested they read Harry Potter. We wrote to Mrs. Megyesi's class telling them about A Bad Case of the Stripes by David Shannon. We discussed writing for an audience. Students wrote letters to their Kindergarten buddy. We will send our letters and read with our buddies after break!
We have completed Unit 5 in math. Yesterday we took the Unit 5 test. I will grade and return the tests after break. A family letter outlining Unit 6 went home yesterday. Please read the letter for details about the next Unit in math!
In Social Studies we read the book The Wartville Wizard. The story was about a man who gets tired of seeing and cleaning up all the litter in his town. He received magic powers to send the litter back to the person who threw it and make it stick to the person! We wrote about the different perspectives in the book for the Wizard and the citizens of Wartville using a Visual Thinking Routine called Circle of Viewpoints.
We will be on Mid-Winter break from 12:09 today until February 22nd. Please have your child read each night for 20 minutes.
Enjoy the break!
Mrs. Scheck
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