Dear families,
Our class is excited to announce that we have 5 painted lady caterpillars hanging quietly in their chrysalis's. We have been reading about butterflies and learning how our caterpillars are going through metamorphosis. We will be so excited when we have butterflies to observe very soon! Many students have already turned in their insect reports and models.Reports and models are due Thursday, May 25th. If your child has not completed his or her report and needs more time, please let me know. We will begin sharing reports in class. Have your child read their report to you for practice!
We also have crickets in our room this week We have built their habitat and observed them. We learned the males are the only ones that can make the chirping sound we hear. We will watch the crickets over the next two weeks.
This week we have begun a new unit of writing called Opinion Writing. We read the book, Should We Squash Bugs. Today we began organizing our opinions onto a graphic organizer. We wrote 4 reasons why or why not to squash bugs. We shared our strongest reasons. Tomorrow I will teach students how to write a conclusion. We will work on Opinion Writing for the next three weeks of school.
In math we have been working on reviewing two digit addition and subtraction, telling time to the half hour, composite shapes and name collection boxes.
Upcoming events- mark your calendars...
Popcorn day is on Friday, May 26th.
Field day is June 2nd - please look for your child's field day shirt from the Fall Walkathon.
June 5th is Insect Day at 3:00-3:30 p.m. Parents are invited to come and see our Insect Projects!
Thank you!
Mrs. Scheck
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