Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Week of February 1-5

Dear parents, 
This week in first grade we are reading lots of fun non-fiction books. Yesterday and today we read What Do You Do With A Tail Like This? Students had fun looking at different animal's tails, eyes, noses, hands, and mouth and guessing what each animal was.  We learned animal facts and found out interesting things! 
We also read Go To Sleep Groundhog and talked about Groundhog's day.  We will be reading a new book tomorrow called Elmer and the Kangaroo. We will practice working with a partner and writing down what we think and wonder as we read.
In phonics this week we have been working on r controlled vowels. These are the popcorn words his week: girl, dirt, first, shirt, hurt, and hurting.
In math this week vwe have been working more with place value and measurement. We are nearing the end of unit 5. We will also be doing our I Ready math assessment tomorrow. 
In writing, we have been working hard on our "how to" writing. We have been noticing how to's in books. We have decided on the components of a how to: a title, clear directions that are numbered, the words first, next, then and last and pictures with captions. We will wrap up how to writing next week.
 In Social Studies, we have begun a new unit called Earning and Spending. We learned what trading is and how both parties have to be happy and think that they are getting something better when they trade. 
A Valentine's Day party note went home and it explains what we are planning for that day. If you have any questions please email me! 
Have a good night, 
Mrs. Scheck

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