Friday, September 18, 2015

Week of September 14-18

We have been busy this week in First Grade! 

We have begun readers workshop! The students have been practicing reading to themselves for a set amount of time and reading to a partner too.  I begun assessing students in reading. We have learned the following reading strategies: cross checking and one to one match. We read the book Stellaluna this week and learned the character trait, brave.  We found evidence in the book to show how Stellaluna was brave.
In writing we have learned how to write using the materials in the room independently.  We shared our stories with the class. We learned what to do when we are done... We can add more to the picture, add more words, or start a new piece.
In math, we discussed estimating.  We counted objects using different strategies: counting by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's.
We learned new math games. We played monster squeeze and the penny dice-game.

See you on Monday at 7:15 for curriculum night!
Mrs. Scheck

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