Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week of September 28- October 2

Dear parents, 

This week in First Grade we have begun Star of the Week! Torino is our star this week. He shared his poster and 8 pictures with the class. He is the line leader all week. Next week the star of the week is Brynlee!
In reading I have introduced the comprehension strategy Text to Self connections, we read the book When I was Little by Jamie Lee Curtis. We made connections to the book about when we were little. We wrote about our connections. 
In writing we have learned how to say words slowly and write what we hear, then move on to the next words. We used letter charts to help us find the sounds in words. We shared our stories in class.
In math we have begun tally marks. We learned a poem to help us remember when to draw the line. 
1,2,3,4 number 5 shuts the door. 6,7,8,9 number 10 draws the line.  We had explorations today with get boards, pattern blocks and base 10 blocks.
In social studies we read the book Oliver Buttons. We discussed rules that are fair and unfair. We sorted things that are fair and unfair. 
We will read the book Ruby Bridges later this week. It is a true story about a girl who was one of first children to begin integrating at an all white school in the 1950's. We will discuss that when laws are not fair they can be changed through peaceful ways.

 We are beginning Math and reading testing on the computer this and next week!
Have a good day! 
Mrs. Scheck 

Pattern blocks
Read to someone
Read to someone 

Read to someone
Pattern blocks
Bunny hop
Pattern blocks

Reading together


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Week of September 21-25

Dear parents, 

Thank you to the many parents who came to curriculum night. I enjoyed sharing all that your child will be learning this year!

In reading this week we have learned the strategy "go back and reread when it doesn't make sense." We practiced this during readers workshop in class, it is the first strategy to use when your child is stuck.  We read the book The Big Bed. I modeled going back to reread. 

In writing we are well into the writing workshop. We are writing for 20 minutes independently.  Students are using materials independently too. They've learned "when you're done you've just begun!" They have been trying their best at drawing and writing even if it is hard. Today we will read Donald Crews book Freight Train to see how authors label their picture and try it in our own writing.
In Social Studies we are learning about rules. We discussed when a rule is unfair.  We will sort pictures of things that are fair and unfair.

In math we compared numbers playing top it and we played bunny hop! Student hopped their bunny on a number line. We reviewed making tally marks and talked about when we tally mark to show points in a game or to keep track of data. Students practiced counting animals with wings and without wings and tallied their results. We will have a homelink tomorrow night. 
Tomorrow is popcorn day, it's one dollar for a bag at lunch time.

Have a great day! 
Mrs. Scheck

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week of September 14-18

We have been busy this week in First Grade! 

We have begun readers workshop! The students have been practicing reading to themselves for a set amount of time and reading to a partner too.  I begun assessing students in reading. We have learned the following reading strategies: cross checking and one to one match. We read the book Stellaluna this week and learned the character trait, brave.  We found evidence in the book to show how Stellaluna was brave.
In writing we have learned how to write using the materials in the room independently.  We shared our stories with the class. We learned what to do when we are done... We can add more to the picture, add more words, or start a new piece.
In math, we discussed estimating.  We counted objects using different strategies: counting by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's.
We learned new math games. We played monster squeeze and the penny dice-game.

See you on Monday at 7:15 for curriculum night!
Mrs. Scheck

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

First week of school 2015-2016

Dear parents, 

We are on off to a great start in room 109!

On the first day we got to know each a little bit. We played a fun name game in the morning. We read the book First Day Jitters and The Night Before First Grade.  We wrote about our feelings on the fisrt day. We had snack and got our pictures taken!
In the afternoon we had an assembly and Mr. Bender talked about keeping Wixom Elementary safe!
We did a project the with our names.

On Wednesday, we began our day learning the School Family Song with sign language.
We began our first unit in math. We started Writing Workshop. The students brought home a letter about math unit 1. Parents have a little homework to do tonight, a survey about their student!

We are going to have so much fun this year!
Mrs. Scheck