Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week of April 20-25

Dear parents,

This week in First Grade we are preparing habitats for our first insects, the mealworms, to arrive this week. Students have learned that all living things need 4 things to survive: air, water, food and space. We will be caring for the insects in the room and observing how they change. We will record our observations.  No insects will be coming home, but encourage your child to be an active observer! 

In reading this week, we are learning how to change our voices to sound like the character when there are question marks and exclamation points and action words. We read the big book A Rumble and a Grumble to practice.  We are also reading lots of realistic fiction books to get ideas for our own writing. We read Henry and Mudge to see how an author issues real problems to write about a character. Our popcorn words this week are: pack, snack, shack, crack, trash, and splash.

In writing we have begun writing our realistic fiction stories. We practiced for a few days just writing the first age of a story. We dreamed up a character and a problem for our character. Now we will learn different ways authors begin a story with action, dialogue or setting the scene. 

In math, we have worked this week on adding amounts of money together in a pretend shopping spree. We will work on dividing a shape into equal parts and begin to learn the fractions 1/2 and 1/4. Look for another home link tomorrow. 

All field trip money and permission slips are due on April 28th.

The book fair is open! Our day to shop is Friday, please send money in to school marked with your child's name.

Thank you, 
Mrs. Scheck

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