Dear parents,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a relaxing holiday and enjoyed the season with your family. It was a fun and busy two weeks at my house and it is good to be back into a normal routine.
This week in first grade, we will be reading books to practice the comprehension strategy called visualization. We read the book In The Tall, Tall Grass. We will read it again and do our own illustrations using the visualization strategy for a class book tomorrow.
Our popcorn words this week focus on -er endings. The popcorn words were sent home today. We will also learn about consonants and vowels. We will be vowel detectives with names to find the number of consonants and vowels in the students names in our class.
For reading, I will begin assessing students one on one starting this week. This will take me a few weeks. During this time I will not be seeing reading groups, so your child will not be bringing home their reading bags. Please continue to read at home each night. After reading have your child retell the story to you including the characters, setting, problem, solution and the beginning, middle and ending. I'm excited to see how much growth the students have made since the beginning of the school year.
In writing, we have graduated to a new unit of writing called How-To writing. We will begin this week
looking at and reading how to books. Students will notice a format for How-To writing. We will practice writing How To's together and begin trying an independent How-To this week!
We continue to work on measurement in unit 4 for Math. Today we practiced measuring to the nearest inch with a tape measure. We will measure our height and graph the various heights of the students in our class. We will learn how to tell time to the half hour and follow the lesson up with a homelink on Wednesday. We will learn about fact power. This is a good time to start your child on practicing with flash cards for addition. We will learn "turn around" facts.
There will be a unit 4 assessment early next week and a quarterly assessment later next week, I will give you an email explaining what to focus on for the test.
In science, we will begin the last portion of the Solids and Liquids unit. We will learn about mixtures. We will explore evaporation and observe dissolving a solid inside of a liquid to make a solution.
Please be sure to send snow clothes each day in case we go outside! If the temperature is above zero, we will be outdoors for recess.
Enjoy the pictures of our first day in 2015!
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