Monday, December 8, 2014

Week of December 8-12

Hello parents,

This week in First Grade we are beginning to wrap up the retelling unit we have focused on for Reading Comprehension.  Today we will read Little Nino's Pizzeria by Karen Barbour.  We will pracitice retelling the story with pictures.  Later this week we will begin a new unit on visualizing. Students will use inferencing and scheme to make a movie in their head of what is happening in the story. We will read the book Do You See What I Saw by Kay Winters.

Our popcorn words this week are: so, said, was, want, to, doing. Our phonics lessons this week will be about high frequency words.  We will play follow the path, a game to practice high frequency words.
In writing today we will work on revising with a partner. I will show students how to read their story over carefully with a pen and fix small mistakes,  we will continue to focus on writing for readers and making our writing readable.

In math, today is the Unit 3 math test. I will give the test in small groups.  We will begin Unit 4 this week.  The unit focues on measurement both standard and nonstandard, we will measure things with our feet and compare it to a regular one foot ruler. We will begin the unit looking at the thermometer and how to measure temperature.  The unit 4 Family Letter is coming home tonight.

In science, we have been working with liquids in the last few lessons, we observed liquid levels in different containers.   We will do a sinking and floating experiment this week. We have discussed the following vocabulary with liquids: viscous, transparent, translucent, foamy, bubbly, and colorless.The last part of the unit is solids and liquids together. We will begin the last part next week.

The family trees that were completed at home will continued to be shared this week. A few trees will be shared tomorrow and then I will hang the trees in the hallway.

We have a new student starting on Wednesday, welcome to Hailen Perin!

Thank you, 
Mrs. Scheck

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