We welcomed our new student, Olivia, to our class this week! All the students have been so helpful making Olivia feel at home!
Odd Todd thinks he is fine - 1,3,5,7,9.
This week in first grade we are beginning to work on retelling a story after reading. Today we read Caps For Sale. We stopped throughout the book to turn and talk about the important parts of the story, we discussed the problem and the solution. We also read the book Have Fun Molly Lou Melon. We made text to text connections with the story to other books we have read where the characters had similar traits: courageous, brave, self-assured and adventurous.
Our popcorn words this week are focusing on words ending in silent e. Have, here, come, some, came, like, little. We are noticing when we use words with silent e that the e can make the vowel in the word say it's name.
We have been working on publishing a small moment in writing, we met with a partner to revise or change things in our writing that didn't make sense. We will spend time tomorrow making our writing readable for others by rewriting our stories.
In math we have introduced odd and even numbers. We have learned that in even numbers everyone has a partner, odd numbers have one partner left out. Here is a rhyme to help rememberodd and even.
Even Steven thinks he's great - 0,2,4,6,8!
We also used the number grid to find patterns counting by 2's and 5's.
In Social Studies a note went home asking for three pictures to make a time line in class.
Remember there is no school on Thursday, November 13th. Parent teacher conference will be on that day, I look forward to meeting with parents and discussing all the great things your students are learning in First Grade!
Mrs. Scheck
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