Friday, March 13, 2020

March 13

Dear families,

We all know that we have been given orders from the state to close all public schools beginning Monday, March 16th.....
That being said today is not a easy day to be a teacher, telling students that we will be out of school for a month!

The district is in the process of making packets to send home with students today. The packets will be used for at home instruction.  Parents are being reminded to use your child's i-ready account to continue working on math and reading. Everyday math games are also accessible from home using your child's everyday math account that was given to you in September.

In reading workshop today we continued to read from our book club books and we have been working on noticing things about the main characters in our books.
I am allowing students to pick books to take home for use over the long period at home. I am writing down the titles of books your child is bringing home. Please help your child take care of the books and return them when we are back to our regular school schedule.

I will truly miss being here in room 105! I will miss each child and am sad that we have to say good-bye... but it is just for now.

I will be here, ready to begin again when we return. Please be in touch, your child is welcome to write me letters and email me!

Take care of your families!
Mrs. Scheck

Friday, March 6, 2020

Writing Celebration

We wrote opinion on our favorite books! Then we shared our papers and posters with fellow second graders!

Week of March 9-13

Hello families!

We are starting many new units this week!

In social studies we are beginning our unit about how things are made. We will begin by reading the book The Hat seller and the Monkeys.  We will learn about producers, Consumers and resources. We will sort producers and consumers to reinforce the idea of what each means.

In writing we will begin a new unit on Poetry. We will begin by examining objects using our "poet's eyes" to see them in a whole new way. We will hear poetry from authors and notice their techniques. We will try out writing down our observations.

In reading, we will begin  book clubs. Students will sample books and choose three books that they are interested in reading. I will put each student into a book club based on their top three book choices. Your child will be given time in class to read. Students may need to bring their book home to complete their reading. Please help your child by asking questions about what they need to do to prepare for their book club discussions! We will begin meeting and discussing books using the same ideas we learned in our strategy groups. 

We completed unit 6 in math, the test will come home on Monday. Please review with your child any problems they missed. Students can also practice more on i-ready to help them firm up their math concepts. Use flash cards to solidify facts 0-10 for addition and subtraction. Next week we will begin unit 7, Whole number operations, Measurement and Data. A family letter will come home today that will explain more about the new unit.

In spelling/phonics we will further our study of soft c and g. We will learn how soft c and g with silent e at the end works!  Students will work with a partner to read a book about camouflage, remembering to try the soft sound first when they find a word ending in ce or ge. 

A few upcoming dates:
3/6  - PTA stake night at Bonaventure
3/18 - half day for students
3/26 - Second grade musical Stone Soup

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week of March 1-6 and Valentine party pictures!

Hello wonderful families!

We are officially into the month of March!! Spring cannot be far away now!

This week in room 105, we will be wrapping up our unit on Opinion writing.  Students have selected one book to write a paper about and present to fellow second graders on Friday, March 6th. We will send home details tomorrow... students are allowed to dress as a character from their chosen book! This is optional. Please discuss at home what your child would like to do!

In reading workshop last week we formed "goal groups". Students selected a reading goal in the area of: fluency, comprehension or literary language. Groups formed a plan for meeting and discussing progress. We will discuss this week how to give a compliment or a suggestion and how to help your group hold a discussion.I am excited to see how the students take this on!

In math, we have reached the end of Unit 6. On Monday we will have the last unit 6 lesson. Students will bring home study guides. The study guide is due on Wednesday, March 4th. We will have the test on Thursday, March 5th. Sorry for the change, due to the snow day and a half day Tuesday I had to push back the unit 6 test!
I will send home the unit 7 family letter which outlines the next unit of math.

In phonics we will learn about hard and soft G and C. We will learn a song to help us remember when the C and G makes a soft sound (before E, I and Y). We will do some sorting in our rug groups and learn about the words that sometimes can be tricky with soft C and G.

In Social Studies, we hope to begin the unit on the history of Walled Lake!

Remember, Tuesday, March 3rd is a half day. Students are dismissed at 12:25 pm.
Also, keep the date for March 26th - the Second grade musical: Stone Soup! Ben is getting his "villager outfit" together, we can't wait!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Scheck