Thursday, October 31, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

October 21-25

Hello families!

Here is an update on what we have been working on in Room 105 this week!

In reading, we are wrapping up our first unit on Thursday. We have reflected on all the reading strategies that we learned since the beginning of the year. Each student picked a strategy to write about. We are also picking a favorite book to share with other second graders on Thursday. We wrote about the lessons learned in the book and any warnings about reading the book. A warning maybe "watch out for silly made up words in this Junie B. Jones book!"

In writing we are also ending our first unit called Small Moments. Students are publishing a piece to share with other second graders. We worked on editing this week using a check list to fix spelling, capitals and end punctuation. We are coloring the pictures and getting our pieces ready to share.

In phonics, we reviewed all the phonics we have learned in second grade. Students met in small groups to prepare a lesson to teach a new "student" Gus. Gus is going to learn from the students and we will meet Gus on Thursday... you will be surprised when you find out what Gus is all about!

In math, we are near the end of unit 2. This unit has been all about addition and subtraction strategies. This week we have learned how to add on a number line. We wrote doubles facts, we learned how to use a doubles fact to solve. We practiced making doubles with odd and even numbers. We learned that every number when it is doubled is an even number. We will begin preparing for Unit 2 math test next week!

We have begun our science unit on Air and Weather. We have completed the first two experiments. We used objects that are common and observed how air moved them. We used syringes to push air through a plastic tube. We learned that air can be compressed into a small space. We used force to push air through the syringe and pop off another syringe!

We have been getting cooler weather, please remember to send a jacket as we do go outside everyday unless it is raining.

A note went home about Halloween. We will have our party on October 31st!

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Scheck

Monday, October 14, 2019

Week of Oct. 14-18

Hello Families,

Here is a snap shot of what we will be working on in Room 105 this week....

In writing we are working on Editing one of our small moments. We used a check list today to think about spelling and punctuation. We practiced editing a piece of writing as a class and making changes to make the writing better. We will soon be wrapping up our Small Moments (personal narrative) unit!

In reading, we worked today on figuring out the meanings of words. We read from the book Katie Woo Has the Flu. We looked at this passage, "I hate taking pills, they are such pills!" We discussed using the words in the sentence to help figure out the meaning. We will study how authors have intentions. We will look again at Those Darn Squirrels. We will notice, stop and think about what the author does that is so powerful!

In phonics we are focusing this week on how capitals are used in writing. We read a sample letter from a young writer and we noticed how to use capitals. We saw capitals in the middle of words and fixed them up. We will learn this week to use capitals for: names, place, products, the word I, to start a letter,  to end a letter, to start dates, and to start a new sentence.

In math, we worked more on fact power today. We used doubles facts to help us solve math problems. For example, 5 plus 5 equals 10 will help you know how to solve 5 plus 6. This week we will also learn about the turn around rule for addition. We will try using the turn around rule for subtraction and learn why it will not work. We will also finished taking the I-ready math test.

In science, we will be starting the Air and Weather Unit. We will begin by exploring what we already know about air and weather using a thinking routine called See, Think, Wonder.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Scheck

Friday, October 4, 2019

Week of October 1-4

Hello second grade families,

Here is what we have been working on this week in Room 105...

In reading, most students were able to complete the i-ready reading assessment.
We have begun reading groups! I will usually meet with a group 3 times per week. If your child is reading a book and it comes home, please return it the next day. If your child does not get the time to read the book, still return it. We will need the book in class.

In reading workshop we learned how to stop and jot down important parts of the book that we want to remember. We used sticky notes to record our thinking. We read the book Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door. We practiced jotting down notes in our own books. We also reviewed ways to solve a tricky word: check the picture, cross check the first letter with the picture, find a part you know, re-read and ask does that make sense? Most important we discussed readers need to stop and try to problem solve!

In writing this week, we worked on using a check list after finishing a story to be sure we have written a small moment. We revised our stories to try to include some emotion. We worked on ending a story with action or talking instead of writing "The End!"

In Phonics, we worked on ways to remember Trouble Maker words: friend, first,girl, your, said, when, went, where, they. We wrote the words out and circled the tricky part. We made chants up to help us remember. We wrote the word and covered it up then checked the spelling. These words will go up on our word wall today!

In math, we took our first math test on Unit 1. We have started Unit 2. A family letter came home on Thursday detailing what to expect in this unit. The first lesson was on counting money with $1, $10 and $100.

In Social Studies, we learned about human made and nature made resources. We learned some mapping skills and how to use a compass rose. Today we wrote out a review for our first social studies test. The test will be on Tuesday, Oct. 8.  Please practice the full address, zip code and phone number. This is the hardest part for most kids. Write it out at home and practice with your child.

The Funky Fall Fund walk is coming up in one week! We hope to raise money and have some fun on Friday, October 11th! If you'd like to volunteer that day, please let the office know! Many parents come to watch and cheer on the students.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

Upcoming events:

Oct. 9th - no school in observance of Jewish Holiday Yom Kippur
Oct. 11th - Funky Fall Fund Walk 2:30-3:30