Friday, September 27, 2019

Week of September 23-27

Hello families,

Here is what has been happening in Room 105!

This week in reading workshop we took some time to begin our i-ready reading assessment.
Due to technical difficulties we have yet to finish the test. Our goal next week will be to complete it once i-ready fixes the problem with their site.  In the classroom this week we continued to work on growing our reading! We read the book Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door.  We used the book to practice retelling important events. Readers worked on adding some details from the story and using some of the language from the book to their retelling.

In writing, we continue to work on writing small moments. This week we met with a partner to check our stories for capitals to start every sentence, periods at the end of each complete sentence and we fixed up snap words. I introduced a small moments check list for second grade. We used a piece of writing from another author to practice using a checklist with. We worked on re-reading our own writing to make sure it makes sense!

In phonics we worked this week on r controlled vowels. We searched for ar, er and ir in a familiar piece of text.  We then learned how to spell burp - and how we know the right vowel to use by looking at the word spelled three ways: berp, birp and burp and then noticing which one looks right!  We learned some rules to help us remember which vowel to use: er- usually comes a the end of a word. Ir and ur are usually in the middle of a word.
Next week we will work on "trouble maker words"...some of them are: said, they, where, first, friend, girl, when, went and your. We will learn how to tackle a tricky word and how to practice it by chanting it, writing it over and over, take a picture in our minds and clapping it into parts.

In Social Studies, we worked this week to deepen our understanding of what makes up an Urban, Rural and Suburban community. We read the story Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. We saw the changes in the environment caused the little house to go from living in the country to the city. We also learned the difference between wants and needs. Next week we will learn about man made versus natural resources. We will wrap up the first unit of social studies toward the end of next week. A study guide will come home on Wednesday to help your child for a unit test. The unit one social studies test will be on Friday, October 4.

In math, we have reached the end of unit 1. We reviewed odd and even numbers, we went over patterns on the number grid, we played the broken calculator game. The quarter was introduced and we practiced counting coins. The unit one study guide went home yesterday and it is due on Tuesday, October 1. Students will take the unit 1 math test on Wednesday, October 2.

Please remember that there is no school on Monday, Sept. 30th.
Upcoming events:
Funky Fall Fund walk/color run - Oct. 11

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

Friday, September 20, 2019

Week of September 23-27

Hello families,

This week in our classroom we have begun the reading assessment for i-ready!
Today every student was able to log in and start. Once the test is complete students can begin i-ready lessons. I will let you  know when they can access the lessons and work on them at home.

In reading workshop this week, we continued to build our skills. We worked on giving a book a sneak peek. Some students gave book talks to the class after reading a book to help encourage other readers. We worked on building our stamina for reading and went from 20 minutes to 25 minutes of reading to self! We practiced talking with a partner and using prompts to begin a discussion about a book.
As students read independently, I have been able to assess students one on one.

In writing, we are continuing on with our small moments/personal narrative unit of writing. We used a mentor text, Owl Moon, to discuss ways Jane Yolen writes. We tried to stretch out one small moment and really zoom in on details in our writing!

In phonics this week we have worked on snap words! Last year students learned popcorn words, snap words are similiar. They are words we can read and write in a snap. Every student has a snap words book to keep in their writing folder. We played I spy with our snap words, we did a snap words speed reading test and we looked for snap words in our own writing and fixed them up if they were misspelled!

Next week we will begin learning r-controlled vowels. These are new for most kids and some will be tricky. We will look for patterns and use them throughout the week:, ar, er, or (example, car, tiger, fork).

In math this week we have been working through Unit 1, which is a bit of a review from last year.
We began the week looking at equivalent names for numbers and learned how to do "Quick Look" card.  We played fishing for ten and practiced making combinations of 10. We tried out a math game on the EDM 4 website.  Yesterday we learned the value of a quarter and played two games. Some of the class played the exchange game and some played the penny-nickel-dime-quarter grab!  Please practice counting coins at home and use the EDM 4 website to revisit games for extra practice.

In social studies we are continuing to learn about communities. We made a booklet of all the communities we belong to (school, home, church, sports). We learned about the three main types of communities: urban, rural and suburban.  Please continue to have your child practice their address complete with zip code and their phone number! At the end of this unit they need to know it and be able to write it independently!

Please turn in your field trip permission slip and one dollar for Dairy Queen if you have not done so.

Upcoming events:
Sept. 27  - Field trip to the Dairy Queen, police and library - please let me know if you are coming, you must fill out the background form to go with us.
Sept. 30 - no school

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week of Sept. 9-13

Hello families,
It is hard to believe that we are almost half way through September. Time flies when you are having fun!

In reading this week we read the book Mercy Watson to the Rescue. This book is a short chapter book with a lovable pig as the main character. We read the book and each day practiced something different. We practiced cross checking a word with meaning, structure and visual information. We highlighted words and practiced breaking them apart whole group, then trying it on our own during reading workshop. Today we practiced fluent reading and pausing for punctuation.

In writing, we have been working on revisiting the strategies learned from first grade for writing workshop. We tried to act out parts of our story before writing. Using a mentor text called The Leaving Morning we tried using these craft techniques - a ellipse (or a dot, dot, dot), sound words, dialog, and repeating phrases.

In math, we worked on scrolling numbers to 1000 as a group. We took parts of the scroll and wrote them with partners. We started our first Open Response lesson, working with number grid puzzles. We will begin having home links in Unit 2. We played games to reinforce concepts about the number grid. We practiced counting coins, several students need more work on counting pennies, nickels and dimes.

In phonics, we were word detectives! We searched the book Those Darn Squirrels for long vowels - using word windows to find them and a partner.
We read poems and searched for both short and vowels and wrote them out on white boards.
The students have really started noticing words and point out vowel teams, silent e and blends when they are reading and writing!

In Social studies, we have continued to learned the features of a community. A homework assignment to learn our phone numbers and addresses is coming home today!

Upcoming events:
Sept. 17 - half day
Sept 18 - Bingo with dads
Sept. 27 - walking field trip (more details to come!)

Thank you!
Mrs. Scheck

Friday, September 6, 2019

Week 2

Hello families,
We have had a great two weeks of school!

This week we continued to work on learning routines for reading workshop, writing workshop and phonics/word study. We began Unit 1 in our Everyday Math books. We started a new unit on Communities in Social Studies.

In reading workshop we read the book Those Darn Squirrels. We practiced retelling the story. We read the story in the way the book wanted to be read - it was a funny book! We acted out parts of the book. Lastly we discussed the author's message and found evidence in the book to support our claims.
I have just begun to do a few reading assessments to begin sorting students into reading groups.

In writing workshop we have spent this week "Revving up our writing muscles" and remembering what writers do during workshop. We practiced planning out a story and using a partner to help plan. We remembered what a small moment is - something that really happened to you or something you already did. We shared our writing and gave compliments after sharing. We wrote our stories in small steps using the words: first, next, then and last.

In phonics, we have been working on being "Second Grade Phonics Professors". We reviewed consonants, vowels - short and long, capitals, silent e, vowel teams, blends and digraphs.
Today we searched for words that end in silent e, then we went over how to check to see if a vowel is short or long.

The first unit in Math is all a review of what was taught in first grade. We worked on writing numbers on a number line, skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's, and we played two math games. We played Bunny Hop and Number squeeze.

In Social Studies, we began learning that a community is a place where people live, work and play. We talked about who lives in a community and who community helpers are (fireman, police officers, librarian, postal worker, barber, waitress, teacher, etc). We made booklets and drew places we know in our community.

It has been a busy couple of weeks. Thank you for sending me your awesome boys and girls each day! I am so excited to see their faces every morning. It is truly a great group of students!

Upcoming events:
Sept. 11 - Second grade curriculum night
Sept. 17 - Half day of school for students - Teacher professional development day
Sept. 18 - Bingo and pizza with dads

Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Scheck