Thursday, March 22, 2018

Week of March 19-23

Hello families!

We have had a busy week in room 105!
This week in reading workshop we read the book The Perfect Pet by Margie Palatini. This book is a persuasive piece in which a little girl tries several approaches to convince her parents to let her have a pet.
The students discussed how she kept trying different strategies and was persistent in her efforts. At the end she solves her own problem by finding a pet bug!

We also read a chapter book called Where are you going, Baby Lincoln? This book is a short chapter book in which the main character sets off on a "necessary journey." We will use the book to discuss differing points of view in the story. We also learned two new character traits: judgmental and optimistic. Students wrote about the author's message. It is okay to have a different opinion but remember to respect that others may think differently than you think.

This week we reviewed contractions and practiced taking letters out to make contractions. We will work on syllables and double consonant patterns next week! We played a word game called My Pile/Your Pile to practice reading high frequency words quickly.

We are continuing our opinion writing unit. We worked this week to add evidence from the book to our letters and include the page numbers. We are making longer letters into booklets and creating a poster to share with the other second grade classes next week to wrap up this unit of writing!

In math we have begun unit 7. The family letter was sent home. We will continue to work on adding and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers. We practiced today adding without regrouping. We will also work on measurement, making a line plot and graphing information. The unit 6 math test was sent home on Thursday.

In social studies we worked on producers and consumers and created a flow chart for the process of making milk into ice cream. Next week we will work on learning about opportunity cost!

We are headed toward spring break which begins next week. There will be no school from March 30 - April 9.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

Friday, March 16, 2018

Week of March 12-16

Dear families,

This week in Second Grade we read the book My Brother Dan's Delicious. This story is a persuasive story in which the main character, Joey, tries to trick an imaginary monster into eating his brother instead of him!
The students read this story and looked for character traits. We learned the vocabulary word: succulent. We also made connections to the book about a time we were afraid.

In writing, we have been working hard on our letters about a favorite book and giving books our own made up awards for being the best book! We are continuing to work on stating an opinion, giving evidence, retelling part but not all the story and putting quotations from the book into the letter.

In word study this week we practiced writing compound words. We will spend more time next week on Synonyms and Antonyms.

In math, we have completed Unit 6. We have been working on using strategies to solve a number story with two digits and two steps. We have a test on Monday for Unit 6. The study guide went home on Thursday and is due Monday, March 19. A family letter for Unit 7 will come home next week.

In social studies we worked on producers and consumers. We read the book From Cows to Ice Cream. We sorted ways people are producers and consumers.

On Wednesday, we had a guest speaker, Mr. Thorsell, come to speak to the second graders! He explained and showed how he takes drawings and makes them into 3-D objects such as a cup holder for a car. He shared how engineers work and gave a great presentation! Thank you, Mr. Thorsell for sharing your skills and time with us!

Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Scheck

Friday, March 9, 2018

March 5-9

Dear Families,

This week we read the story, One Word From Sophia. This book fit perfectly with our opinion writing unit. In the story Sophia is trying to convince her family members to get her a giraffe for her birthday. We learned that characters change the way they present their argument based on who they are talking to. Sophia is told her arguments are loquacious, effusive and verbose  - too wordy. We learned these new vocabulary words this week. We also did a Visual Thinking Routine with the book called a "step inside" to view the story through the eyes of the main character. Students write and respond to questions about the character telling what does she think, what does she care and what does she know or believe. Students provide evidence from the text to back up their answers!

In writing, we are continuing on with our opinion writing unit. We have worked on added more to our letters. Using capitals in the right place has been something we noticed is lacking. Reviewing capitals was part of our lessons this week! Students each chose a book that he or she wants to nominate for an award (that is made up by the student). We added a map of a setting in the story to our letters. Today we will work on adding quotes from the book to help support our opinions. We hope to have students share their letters with other students at the end of the unit.

In math we have been learning several strategies for adding two digit numbers. We practiced these strategies: counting on, partial sums, adding with base 10 and using an open number line. We have been working on two step problems with both addition and subtraction. Yesterday students worked independently on two digit subtraction.

In social studies we have begun a new unit on Our Local Economy. We read the book The Hatseller and the Monkeys. We discussed and sorted Wants versus Needs. Students sorted objects into two columns. We will continue next week learning about producers and consumers. We will read the book From Cows to Ice Cream. Students will learn the process that happens to produce a good. We will also be learning about real life production of a car from Mr. Thorsell!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

Friday, March 2, 2018

Week of February 28-March 2

Dear families,

Here are some things we have been working on this week in Second grade!

In reading we read the chapter book Francine Poulet and the Ghost Raccoon by Katie Dicamillo.
We read a few chapters each day and discussed how author used comparisons to make her writing more vivid. In the story Francine describes herself as "solid as a refrigerator." We practiced in reading work shop looking for comparisons in our books. We learned a new vocabulary word: gallivanting.  We practiced using the word gallivanting in conversations and added it to our reader's and writer's notebook.

Many of our reading groups have begun Reader's Theaters this week to practice reading fluently.
Reading should sound like talking. Changing your voice to sound the character, practicing pacing and reading the punctuation are all skills needed to sound fluent!
Each group will practice reading their story next week and then try reading it in front of the class.

In writing this week we are continuing our unit on opinion writing. This week our goal was to make our letters longer and the persuasion in the letter stronger. We have been sending letters and convincing other classes to read some of our favorite books! this has been fun for most students. They enjoy sharing books and writing about the characters, pictures, retelling parts (not all!) of the story and telling the lessons learned or taught in the book!

In Social Studies this week we have been working on maps. We practiced being map detectives this week. We looked at an area map of the boundaries for elementary schools in Walled Lake. Students worked in small groups to find symbols, directions, and answer questions through reading the maps.

In math we have been practicing more than one way to solve an addition or subtraction problem in a number story (or word problem).  We have practiced writing number stories and solving them with a partner. New diagrams to use for solving were introduced and remembered from last year!
If your child is needing extra practice spend some time this weekend making up and writing number stories to solve for fun! It is okay to use number grids and number lines or counters as tools to help solve!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Scheck