Friday, November 17, 2017

November 13-17

Hello families!

We read the books Paperboy  by Dave Pilkey and A Chair for my Mother by Vera B. Williams this week. Both books are good examples of realistic fiction. We read the books to look for the features of realistic fiction and to discuss the idea of empathy. Using the carefully chosen words in the Paperboy we tried to imagine a cold, dark morning getting out of a snuggly, warm bed to go deliver papers while the rest of our family slept! We tried to imagine how we would feel if all the things we liked were destroyed in a house fire, like the characters in A Chair for my Mother. 
We worked on our Realistic Fiction stories in writing. We practiced different ways to start our stories with action, talking or "setting a scene." Our writing has really taken off in this unit. Students are spending more time on one piece instead of writing many short pieces as we did in our Small Moments unit.
For phonics this week we worked on silent e, words ending in y, and onset/rime.
In math we are continuing on in Unit 3. We have been working on addition and subtraction strategies. We learned to play the game "Salute" to practice missing addends. We worked on subtraction number stories and more adding with double ten frames. The Unit 2 math test came home, please sign and return after reviewing with your child.
In science we furthered our exploration of air. We made parachutes and floated them while standing on our chairs. We observed air filling up the paper napkins. We also discussed that the air is on top and all around a parachute as it falls to the ground. We read the book Bubbles float, Bubbles pop! We learned the reasons bubbles pop. Mrs. Scheck handed out bubble gum after the experiment to try making bubbles at home.
Our first field trip note went home on Wednesday. Thank you to the many offers to chaperone our trip. I have enough chaperones for this trip. If you have not sent in money or permission slips, they are due by Friday, December 1st.
Next week is Thanksgiving, therefore there is no school on Thursday the 24th or Friday the 23rd.
Have a wonderful holiday with your child!
Conferences are December 14th. Please schedule to meet with me by logging onto Skyward. I am looking forward to share your child's success with you!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Scheck

Friday, November 3, 2017

October 30-November 3

Hello families,

This week in room 105 we have been enjoying the beginning of a few science unit, wrapping up our Small Moments writing unit, nearing the end of math Unit 2 and working on word endings in phonics.

In reading this week we read the story Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door. In this story the squirrels and the birds team up to solve a problem together. A cat has moved in next door and he has been ambushing the squirrels and bothering the birds. We learned that characters solve many problems in books. Some common steps to problem solving we discovered were: meeting, planning, carrying out a plan and moving on.

In phonics we worked on suffixes -ed, -s, es. We learned the different ways to make a word plural. We sort the sounds -ed can make at the end of a word.

In writing we worked this week on editing a favorite small moment. We reviewed to put capitals at the start of sentences, periods (question marks, exclamation points) at the end of sentences, use quotation marks for talking, and how to take out or insert words. Our writing has improved so much! We will begin a new unit on Realistic Fiction at the end of next week.

In math we learned name collection boxes, how to play "name that number" and odd and even numbers, writing number models to express odd and even addends.

In science, we worked with air underwater. We predicted what would happen if we pushed a vial into the water and if the paper towel in the water would stay dry. We moved a plastic foam ball under water with the vial. So we've learned air moves things even under water!

We will continue our adventures in learning next week!
Mrs. Scheck

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween Party!

Dear families,

We had so much fun at our Halloween party! Thank you for all the parents who were able to volunteer! Please enjoy the photos and thanks again for a wonderful party!