Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 17-21

Dear families,

This week in first grade we have started several new things...

In writing, we have started a new unit of writing called "All Abouts" or non-fiction writing.
We spent time yesterday looking at non-fiction books and noticing the features of non-fiction. Many students were able to find real photographs, diagrams, maps, captions, labels, table of contents, glossary and indexes in books. We began writing non-fiction pieces today. We started by making a list of "expert topics." Students wrote down as many topics they could that may be great non-fictions books to write. We started writing and shared our first attempts at non-fiction today. Tonight students will bring home with Realistic Fiction stories to keep at home.

In math, we have begun unit 8.  We have started exploring equal shares. We discussed how to share a cracker equally with two people.  We learned the names 1/2, one half, one of two and halves. The unit 8 family letter is going home today. A homelink is going home today to review this concept.

Today we read the book The Perfect Day for language workshop. We added the vocabulary word daffodil to our notebooks. We discussed the character traits of the bear: greedy and selfish. We discussed how the author was able to show how the animals in the story felt through the pictures.

We have just begun our science unit on Insects. A letter went home yesterday. Any day now we will be getting our first insect! We will be watching this insect go through metamorphosis. It will be a surprise what our insect will change into, so please keep it quiet at home if you already know! Students will get to have hands on experience with the insects, they will observe and write about them as well as care for them.

A field trip note went home last week! At this time, I have all the chaperones that are needed. We will be going to the Walled Lake Outdoor Center on May 2nd. The cost is $10.00 per student, $6.00 per chaperone. Money and permission slips are due on Wednesday, April 19th.

Thank you and have a great week!
Mrs. Scheck