Friday, February 24, 2017

Week of February 22-February 24

Hello families!

Welcome back from our Mid-Winter break! I hope you were able to enjoy the early spring-like weather we have been having! Over the break I saw many students in Wixom outside playing, riding bikes, walking and getting some much needed outdoor time.

We are happy to be back to school again in room 109. This week we read the book Wolfie the Bunny. We learned the new vocabulary word smitten. We used the book to discuss view points with the characters in the story. Students wrote about each characters view point on a circle of view points sheet.

Reading groups are in full swing. Please remember to read any books that come home in your child's plastic zip-loc bag and return them the next day! We count on having those books for instruction and if one is missing, it limits the use of that book for other groups.

We are still working on the popcorn words: very, dirty, funny, cry, by and sky. We sorted y endings that sound like a long e. New words will come home next week!

In math we have been working on strategies for near doubles facts. We practiced using "helper facts" to solve a near double facts such as 4+5.  We had a home link Thursday night. Next week we will learn how to make 10 and spend more time with place value.

In writing we read books with flaps and learned how to use flaps in our stories to make them more exciting. We also practiced writing many moments stories using a graphic organizer to help us stay on one topic.

In social studies we read the book The Money Tree. We learned the difference between goods and services.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Scheck

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

100's day and Valentines Day!

Dear parents,

The students had so much fun today! We spent the morning celebrating the 100th day of school...
We wrote numbers to 100, did a 100's day word search, wrote about how we would spend $100,. We also wrote what we will do when we are 100 and made pictures of ourselves at 100 years old!
We had a very special visit from "Zero the Hero!" He came to talk about the number 100 and told us a story about his famous family.
In the afternoon, we started our Valentines Day party with ice cream sundaes. Then we passed out cards. Students made ladybug bags to keep their cards in and we will take them home today.
Last we played Valentine Jingo (bingo) and got prizes.
It was a fun-filled, exciting day!

Happy Valentines Day!
Mrs. Scheck

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Week of February 6-10

Hello families!

This has been a busy week in First grade!

In reading we read a big book called A Rumble and a Grumble.  The students noticed the story had a repeating phrase. We read the book and looked for "bossy r" words. We have worked with ir, ur and or words the last two weeks.

We have begun a new unit in Social Studies called "Earning and Spending." Today we read the book Bearhide and Crow. We discussed trading or exchanging. We learned that a good trade can only happen when both people end up getting something they want!

In writing, we have been working on learning craft techniques. We read Do Like Kyla by Angela Johnson. We learned how to write a many moments story. We have also learned how to put a comeback line or repeating phrase in a story. Students are still learning when to use ellipses or "dot, dot, dot."  Students have been trying these new techniques and I am seeing great improvements in their writing!

In math, we had a math assessment for Unit 5.  The students begin Unit 6 today. A family letter was sent home. We will begin telling time to the hour today. The first math journal will come home today. There may be some pages that were not completed in class. A good idea would be to keep the old math journal and work on those pages anytime you feel your child may need a little "homework" or extra practice!

The Valentine's day party is next week on February 14th at 1:15-2:15. If you have any questions, please email me.

Have a good night!
Mrs. Scheck