Monday, November 30, 2015

Tower building!

Building towers with solid objects.
Future engineers!

Week of November 30-December 4

Dear parents,

I can't believe it is already December tomorrow! The time seems to be flying by here in First Grade!

This week we will work on the following popcorn words: me, make, they, there, this, will.
We noticed this morning how close the word the is to the words they and there. We will practice making these words all week in class, please practice tonight when the new words come home!

In math, we are in the middle of unit 3, working with addition and subtraction. We have been practicing hopping up and down on the number line. Today we noticed how counting by 2's, 5's or 10's is much faster than counting by 1's. We will have a home link tomorrow night to reinforce using the number line at home.

In writing this week we are continuing on with the "Authors as Mentors" unit of writing. Last week we learned how to use a repeating phrase in our small moment stories. Today we practiced adding details to our stories. We discussed how authors do "research" when they write, they think and remember the details in the story. For example, instead of writing "We watched a movie" we talked about saying "we watched Cars 2".  These details make our stories more interesting to read.

I read the book Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon today for reading workshop. We discussed the author's purpose and worked on retelling the story with pictures. We will discuss the character trait cruel with the story.

Our Holiday Party is coming up on December 22nd. I will send a detailed note tomorrow, asking for help! Our party will be in the morning at 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

I hope you all enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving with your family. I traveled to Wisconsin to visit my brother and his family. While we were there Brad coached two of his Cross Country runners from Walled Lake Western. The two boys competed in Kenosha, WI at the Midwest National Cross Country Finals. While I visited the Jelly Belly Factory with Kyle and Ben just a few miles away too...It was an exciting and busy trip!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Scheck

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Week of November 16

Dear parents, 

We have been so busy the last two weeks preparing for our Feast, I am sorry for not posting anything last week.

This week in first grade students made hats and placemats for our feast. We wrote and talked about things we were thankful for and shared our delicious treats with the entire first grade at lunch time.

In reading this week, we read the story If You Plant a Seed. We focused on the character trait selfishness and discussed how sharing is the way to be kind.  The students practiced a thinking strategy called Step Inside, where they think about the story from different points of view. We had some good discussions and shared our views in writing. 

In writing workshop we are started a new writing unit called Authors as Mentors. We read two stories by Angela Johnson and learned how to use a dot, dot, dot (an ellipse) and how to use a repeating phrase in our own writing. 

In math we have begun unit 3. We are learning how to write number stories for subtraction. We will practice different ways to solve subtraction problems tomorrow and Friday.

In science the big news is we have had two science experiments exploring the properties of solids. We learned the words rigid and flexible. We  will also be learning how to build towers with solids and what an engineer does.

Friday is our field trip to the Northville Marquis theater. We are looking forward to seeing the play, Snow White. 
Thank you, 
Mrs. Scheck 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week of November 2-6

Dear parents,

We had a lot of fun last week during the parade and at our party! If you were able to come and help at the party thank you! It was a success. The students had fun playing Jingo (Halloween Bingo), making a spider web, decorating a small pumpkin and having donuts and cider!

This week in First Grade, we are continuing to work on making text to self connections for our reading comprehension strategy. We read the book Waiting By Kevin Henkes today. We discussed the character trait impatient and patient. We discussed times when we are impatient or patient. We will read the book Best Friends Sleep Over By Jacqueline Rogers and make connections about a time when we were afraid to spend the night away from home.
Next week we will begin working on Retelling a story after reading.

In math this week, we are continuing our work with number stories. We learned today how to make a "change to less" or subtraction number story working with a ten frame. We played penny plate to practice making 10. There is a home link today to follow up on lesson 2.9. It is due Wednesday. On Wednesday and Thursday we will work on number models for subtraction and how to solve for an unknown. We will have a unit 2 assessment early next week.

In Social Studies, we have begun our unit on mapping. Last week we made a map of the playground. This week we will work on mapping the classroom. We have learned the following vocabulary for this unit: map key, compass rose, north, south, west and east. We observed how maps have a title and how the map key has to match the map in color and symbol.
An at home map project will be coming home soon!

In writing, we used precise words today in our small moment stories. We discussed how telling someone we got candy for Halloween is not as effective as saying a Kit Kat bar. We are still working on writing our stories using the words First, Next, Then and Last. We will continue with small moments this week.

Next week is Parent Teacher conferences on November 12th. If you were not able to schedule a time on Skyward, I will be assigning you a time to come see me that day. There is no school for students on November 3rd or 12th.

Our field trip is coming up on November 20th!  If you have not sent in your permission slip and money, please send them to school by November 11th.

Thank you!
Mrs. Scheck